New arrivals
eBooks and eMagazines
Kanopy - Stream Movies, Series, and Documentaries
Enjoy over 35,000 free high-quality films from around the globe that inspire, educate and entertain. Kanopy’s unique selection offers something for everyone, from award winning indie films to important and timely documentaries, to foreign films, popular cinema, and more.
Click here for more information about streaming with Kanopy.
The Great Courses Streaming Video Service
Explore The Great Courses Library Collection video streaming service for lifelong learning and personal enrichment. This free collection includes more than 250 courses and new content will be offered monthly.
Find these immersive learning experiences here under "Extras" in the library’s free Libby app on your desktop or mobile device, or on your computer at
Find your interests
Can’t decide what to read next? Need a recommendation for a child, student, or family member? Use NoveList Plus to discover your next favorite author, series, or title
Looking for your next great read for your child? Use NoveList K-8 to discover your new authors, series, or titles!
Book Club Bags
Book club bags are available for book clubs to check out. Most of the bags contain 10 to 11 copies of a particular title and a resource guide with author bios, reviews and discussion questions.
Adopt a Book
Share your love of books with the library's Adopt a Book program (and be the first to read it!)
Visit the Adopt a Book program page to learn more
Fundraising Resources
Visit the Fundraising Resources Page to learn more.