National Period

Continental Congress
1780-1781 Henry, James Accomack
United States Senate
1865 Segar, Joseph E. (elected, but not seated) Elizabeth City Republican
United States House of Representatives
1797-1801 Evans, Thomas Accomack Federalist
1801-1803 Stratton, John Northampton
1813-1815 Bayly, Thomas M. Accomack Democrat
1819-1821 Parker, Severn Eyre Northampton
1833-1844 Wise, Henry A. Accomack Jackson Democrat, Whig, Tyler Democrat
1844-1856 Bayly, Thomas Henry Accomack State’s Rights Democrat
1861-1863 Segar, Joseph E. (reelected 1863, but not seated) Elizabeth City Republican
1865 Custis, William H.B. (elected, but not seated) Accomack Union Democrat
1881-1885 Garrison, George T. Accomack Democrat
1881-1895 Wise, George D. Richmond City Democrat
1883-1885 Wise, John Sergeant At-Large Readjuster
1887-1891 Browne, T.H. Bayly Accomack Republican
1898-1900 Wise, Richard Alsop Williamsburg Republican
Virginia Constitutional Conventions
1774 Burton, John Northampton
Bowdoin, John or Milby, Adiel Northampton
Henry, James Accomack
Simpson, Southey or Smith Isaac Accomack
1775 Burton, John Northampton
Smith, Isaac Accomack
1775-1776 Christian, Michael Northampton
not represented Accomack
1776 Savage, George Northampton
Savage, Nathaniel L. Northampton
Simpson, Southey Accomack
Smith, Isaac Accomack
1788 Eyre, Littleton Northampton
Stringer, John Northampton
Custis, Edmund Accomack
Parker, George Accomack
1829-1830 Read, Calvin H. Northampton
Upshur, Abel Parker Northampton
Bayly, Thomas M. Accomack
Joynes, Thomas R. Accomack


These men represented Accomack, Northampton, Mathews, Middlesex & Gloucester Counties. Read died 6 Oct 1829 and was succeeded by William K. Perrin of Gloucester.
1850-1851 Finney, Louis C.H. Northampton & Accomack
Wise, Henry A. Northampton & Accomack
1861 Fisher, Miers W. Northampton
Custis, William H.B. Accomack
Wise, Henry A. Princess Anne
1864 Moore, William P. Northampton
Dix, William H. Accomack
Watson, Arthur Accomack
1867-1868 Toy, James C. Northampton
Snead, Edward K. Accomack
1901-1902 Kendall, Gilmer S. Northampton
Wescott, Nathaniel B. Accomack
Thom, Alfred P. Norfolk
Wise, George D. Richmond City
1945 Lowe, Otto Northampton & Accomack
1956 Gunter, Benjamin T. III Northampton & Accomack


Virginia Senate
1776 Smith, Isaac Accomack
1777-1778 Simpson, Southey Accomack
1779-1782 Avery, Isaac Northampton
May 1782 -1785 Bayly, Thomas Accomack
Oct 1785-1788 Avery, Isaac Northampton
Jun 1788-1792 Joynes, Levin Accomack
1793-1794 Fulwell, John Lewis Northampton
1795-1801 Eyre, John Northampton
Dec 1801-1802 Bayly, Thomas Accomack
Dec 1802-1809 Bayly, Thomas M. Accomack
Dec 1809-1813 Upshur, Littleton Northampton
May 1813-1817 Cropper, John Accomack
Dec 1817-1819 Parker, Severn Eyre uncertain
Dec 1819-1821 Patterson, John Mathews
Dec 1821-1825 Braxton, Carter M. Mathews
Dec 1825-1829 Jones, William Gloucester
Dec 1829-1832 Joynes, John G. Accomack
Dec 1832-1836 Page, John Williamsburg
Dec 1836-1838 Ellis, Vespasian Accomack
1839-1840 Poulson, Robert Jacob Accomack
Dec 1840-1844 Custis, James W. Accomack
Dec 1844-1848 Garrett, Richard R. uncertain
Dec 1848-1851 Pitts, Edward P. Northampton
1852-1855 Parker, John W.H. Accomack
Dec 1855-1856 Finney, Oswald B. Accomack
1857-1858 Neale, Hamilton S. Northampton
Finney, Oswald B. Accomack
1859-1863 Finney, Oswald B. Accomack
1863-1865 Garrison, George T. Accomack


The people of the northwest counties of Virginia objected to the secession of the commonwealth from the United States. In May 1861 delegates from these counties proclaimed the Restored Government of Virginia at Wheeling, and a year later, they consented to the formation of the State of West Virginia. In the summer of 1863 the Restored Government of Virginia, now comprised of those counties not a part of West Virginia under Union Control, was removed to Alexandria.
1862 (Wheeling) Watson, Gillett F. Accomack
1863 (Alexandria) Kellam, Thomas Hall Accomack
1864 (Alexandria) Powell, Samuel W. Accomack
1865-1867 Powell, Samuel W. Accomack
1869-1873 Johnson, Abel T. Accomack
1874-1877 Finney, Louis C.H. Accomack
Dec 1877-1879 Walston, Thomas C. Northampton
Dec 1879-1881 Finney, Oswald B. Accomack
Dec 1881-1885 Fletcher, Frank Accomack
Dec 1885-1893 Blackstone, John W.G. Accomack
Dec 1893-1904 LeCato, George W. Accomack
Jan 1904-1911 Gunter, Benjamin T. II Accomack
1912-1923 Mapp, G. Walter Accomack
1924-1927 Ames, Warner Accomack
1928-1930 Doughty, George L. Accomack
1932-1942 Walter, Jefferson F. Accomack
1944-1950 Gunter, Benjamin T. III Accomack
1952-1955 Etheridge, V. Alfred Princess Anne
1956-1967 Ames, E. Almer Jr. Accomack
1968- Fears, William Earl Accomack


Virginia House of Delegates
Northampton: Accomack:
1776 Savage, George 1776 Henry, James
Savage, Nathaniel L. Simpson, Southey
1777-Jan 1778 Parsons, Thomas Smith, Isaac             (elected to Senate)
Savage, Nathaniel L.
1778 Avery, Isaac 1777-Jan 1778 Arbuckle, James
Bowdoin, John Henry, James
1779 Stratton, John 1778 Smith, Isaac
Tompkins, Bennett Teackle, John
1780-1781 Guy, Henry 1779 Henry, James
Stratton, John Teackle, John
May 1781-1782 Bowdoin, John 1780-1781 Evans, Thomas
Christian, Michael Bayly, Thomas
1783 Avery, Isaac May 1781-1782 Stewart, George
Bowdoin, John Bayly, Thomas
1784-1785 Eyre, Littleton 1782-1783 Outten, Abraham
Tompkins, Bennett Parramore, Thomas
Oct 1785-1786 Tompkins, Bennett 1784-1787 Cropper, John
Stith, Griffin Parramore, Thomas
Oct 1786-1787 Eyre, Littleton Oct 1787-Jan 1788 Cropper, John
Stith, Griffin Custis, Edmund
Oct 1787-1788 Eyre, Littleton 1788 Custis, Edmund
Stringer, John Pitts, Jabez
Jun 1788-1791 Guy, Henry 1789 Custis, Edmund
Stringer, John Custis, Thomas
1792 Guy, Henry 1790 Cropper, John
Stratton, John Custis, Thomas
1793 Darby, Nathaniel 1791-1793 Kerr, John Shepherd
Guy, Henry Wise, John
1794 Stratton, John 1794-1796 Evans, Thomas
Stringer, John Wise, John (Speaker)
1795-1796 Parramore, Thomas 1797-1798 Wharton, John
Startton, John Wise, John (Speaker)
1797-1798 Stratton, John Dec 1798-1801 Bayly, Thomas M.
Upshur, John Wise, John (Speaker)
Dec 1798-1799 Darby, Nathaniel Dec 1801-1802 Henderson, John
Upshur, John Parker, John A.
Dec 1799-1800 Darby, Nathaniel Dec 1802-1803 Finney, John
Satchell, William Parker, John A.
Dec 1800-1802 Darby, Nathaniel Dec 1803-1804 Finney, John
Pitts, Major S. Stockley, Charles
Dec 1802-1803 Dunton, Rickards Jr. Dec 1804-1805 Bayly, Richard D.
Pitts, Major S. Finney, John
Dec 1803-1804 Dunton, Rickards Jr. Dec 1805-1806 Finney, John
Satchell, Charles S. Read, John
Dec 1804-1805 Satchell, Charles S. Dec 1806-1807 Read, John
Upshur, Caleb Brown Scarburgh, Edward K.
Dec 1805-1806 Harmanson, John H. Dec 1807-1808 Read, John
Upshur, Caleb Brown Joynes, John G.
Dec 1806-1807 Dunton, Rickards Jr. Dec 1808-1809 Joynes, John G.
Harmanson, John H. Parker, William
Dec 1807-1808 Dunton, Rickards Jr. Dec 1809-1810 Joynes, John G. (became Sheriff)
Upshur, Littleton Parker, Severn Eyre
Dec 1808-1809 Snead, Charles Scarburgh, William M.
Upshur, Littleton Dec 1810-1811 Finney, John
Dec 1809-1811 Dunton, William Parker, Severn Eyre
Parker, George Dec 1811-1812 Joynes, Thomas R.
Dec 1811-1812 Baker, Leonard Parker, Severn Eyre
Dunton, William Nov 1812-1813 Custis, William R.
Dec 1812-1813 Kendall, George T. Joynes, Thomas R.
Upshur, Abel Parker Dec 1813-1814 Downing, Samuel
May 1813-1814 Kendall, George T. Wise, George Douglas
Parramore, John C. Oct 1814-1815 Drummond, John P.
Oct 1814-1816 Parramore, John C. Joynes, Levin L.
Wilson, Harold L. Dec 1815-1816 Finney, John
Nov 1816-1817 Upshur, Littleton Wise, George Douglas
Wilson, Harold L. Nov 1816-1817 Drummond, John P.
Dec 1817-1818 Wilson, Harold L. Wise, George Douglas
Wilson, Edward H.C. Dec 1817-1818 Bayne, John F. (died)
Dec 1818-1819 Pitts, Major S. Revell, Edward A.
Upshur, Littleton Teackle, James J.
Dec 1819-1821 Dunton, William Dec 1818-1819 Teackle, James J.
Nottingham, Smith Finney, John
Dec 1821-1822 Dunton, William Dec 1819-1820 Drummond, John P.
Stratton, John N. Bayly, Thomas M.
Dec 1822-1823 Stratton, John N. Dec 1820-1821 Teackle, James J.
Turner, James S. Drummond, John P.
Dec 1823-1824 Dunton, William Dec 1821-1823 Drummond, John P.
Nottingham, Smith Wise, Tully Robinson
Dec 1824-1826 Dunton, William Dec 1823-1826 Drummond, John P.
Upshur, Abel Parker Fletcher, Henry
Dec 1826-1827 Upshur, Abel Parker (resigned) Dec 1826-1827 Drummond, John P.
Dunton, William Rogers, Levin
Stratton, John N. Dec 1827-1828 Drummond, John P.
Dec 1827-1828 Bayly, John H. Fletcher, Spencer D.
Simpkins, William J. Dec 1828-1831 Bayly, Thomas M.
Dec 1828-1829 Parker, Severn Eyre Drummond, John P.
Read, Calvin H. Dec 1831-1832 Drummond, John P.
Dec 1829-1830 Dunton, William Grinnalds, Southey
Fisher, Miers W. Dec 1832-1833 Coleburn, Thomas A.
Dec 1830-1831 Usphur, Littleton Riley, John F.
Dec 1833-1834 Drummond, John P.
Dec 1831-1832 Fisher, Miers W. Poulson, Robert J.
Dec 1834-1836 Drummond, John P.
Dec 1832-1834 Dunton, William Grinnalds, Southey
Dec 1836-1838 Bayly, Thomas H.
Dec 1834-1836 Parker, Severn Eyre Poulson, Robert J.
1839-1841 Bayly, Thomas H.
Dec 1836-1838 Segar, Joseph E. Cropper, Thomas T.
Dec 1841-1842 Ailworth, John B.
1839-1854 Yerby, George T. Bayly, Thomas H.
Dec 1842- 1844 Ailworth, John B.
Custis, William H.B.
Dec 1844-1845 Poulson, Robert J.
Pitts, Edward P.
Dec 1845-1846 Custis, John H.
Custis, William H.B.
Dec 1846-1847 Custis, James W.
Finney, William B.
Dec 1847-1848 Allen, Edmund R.
Custis, John H.
Dec 1848-1849 Finney, Louis C.H.
Nock, Littleton
Dec 1849-1851 Allen, Edmund R.
Finney, Louis C.H.
1852 Mapp, Edwin T.
1853-1854 Finney, Oswald B.
1855-1856 Spady, Edgar J. 1855-1856 Watson, Arthur
1857-1861 Yerby, George T. 1857-1858 Nock, Littleton
1859-1861 Watson, Arthur
Dec 1861-1863 Spady, Edgar J. Dec 1861-1863 Garrison, George T.
Sep 1863-1865 Scott, Thomas M. Sep 1863-1865 Parramore, Thomas C.


The people of the northwest counties of Virginia objected to the secession of the commonwealth from the United States. In May 1861 delegates from these counties proclaimed the Restored Government of Virginia at Wheeling, and a year later, they consented to the formation of the State of West Virginia. In the summer of 1863 the Restored Government of Virginia, now comprised of those counties not a part of West Virginia under Union Control, was removed to Alexandria.
Northampton: Accomack:
1862      (Wheeling) Costin, Robert S. 1862-1863 (Wheeling) Powell, Samuel W.
1862-1863 (Wheeling) Dunton, George B. 1863-1864 (Alexandria) Gibbons, William H.
1863-1864 (Alexandria) Birch, John R. Dec 1865-1867 Fields, J.W.
Kellam, Thomas Hall
Dec 1865-1867 Peed, William J.F. 1869-1871 Parramore, Thomas G. (resigned)
1869-1871 Toy, James C. Bagwell, Edmund R.
Read, John R.
Dec 1871-1879 Carter, Peter J. 1871-1873 Bagwell, Edmund R.
Fletcher, Spencer D.
1874-1875 Bagwell, Edmund R.
Neely, John
Dec 1875-1877 Bagwell, Edmund R. (died)
Neely, John
Parsons, John D.
Dec 1877-1879 Finney, Oswald B.
Johnson, Abel T.


After 1879 the membership of the Virginia General Assembly was reduced. While Accomack County retained her delegate, Northampton joined Accomack in electing a “floater.” By gentlemen’s agreement the floater” was always a resident of Northampton.
Northampton: Accomack:
Dec 1879-1881 Downes, Thomas A. Dec 1879-1881 Edmonds, John W.
Dec 1881-1885 Wilkins, John T. Jr. Dec 1881-1883 Kellam, William P.
Dec 1885-1893 Wilkins, Soutey S. Dec 1883-1887 Wescott, Teackle T.
Dec 1893-1899 Smith, Charles Dec 1887-1889 Ewell, Augustus D.F.
Dec 1899-1904 Nottingham, John E. Dec 1889-1891 Brodwater, Joseph E.
Jan 1904-1906 Smith, Charles Dec 1891-1893 White, David Frank
Jan 1906-1908 Wilkins, John T. III Dec 1893-1895 Russell, Thomas W.
1910-1912 Fitzhugh, William B. Dec 1895-1904 Matthews, S. Wilkins
1914 Robertson, Thomas B. Jan 1904-1910 Rew, John R.
1916 Floyd, G. Fred 1912-1927 Rew, J. Harry
1918-1919 Fitzhugh, William B. 1928 Ayres, B. Drummond
1930-1933 Davis, Levin Nock
1920-1924 Nottingham, John E. Jr. 1934-1936/37 White, Roy D.
1938 Godwin, Wrendo M.
1926-1933 Topping, J. Warren 1940-1942 Davis, Levin Nock
1944-1947 Copes, Peter Davis
1934-1966 Adams, Howard Hanson 1956-1962 Shreves, Melvin
1963-1966 McMath, George M.
Northampton and Accomack:
1966-1977 McMath, George N. Accomack
1978- Bloxom, Robert S. Accomack