The Eastern Shore Public Library has moved our digital magazines from the Libby App to Magzter. You will continue to be able to browse, borrow, and enjoy all the same great magazines from Libby, now available on Magzter. Magzter offers over 4,000 magazine titles to read digitally!
Getting Started with Magzter
In just a few taps, you can start reading instantly on your computer, phone, or tablet. The digital library is available 24/7 without leaving home and is free from our library. Visit to get started.
All you need to get started in Magzter is your device, your library card number, and an email to set up your account.
You may view as many magazines as you want without worrying about return dates. Favorite magazines and bookmark your favorite pages to
The Magzter app is easy to use and will guide you through the setup process and get you connected to our library in just a few minutes. If you have questions, you can find in-app support, or refer to our step-by-step guide HERE
Download the app on Apple and Android!
This service is provided by the Library of Virginia and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.